Session 6--Spring Stuffies (bunny and/or sheep plus fabric flower bouquet if time)

Session 7--Front Pocket Shorts

Session 8--Beach Tote Bag


Session 6 Dates: March 17-April 11

Session 7 Dates: April 21-May 16

Session 8 Dates: May 19-June 13

(no regular classes or camps during Portsmouth School Spring Break April 14-18)

If you have never taken a sewing machine class at Stitchery before, an introductory private lesson is mandatory before joining a class (private lessons are $40/hour and can be scheduled at your convenience). Open to anyone age 7+. 

Missed Classes: If you are sick, please stay home. One class may be made up per session by attending another day's class, scheduled in advance with Karen. No credit or refunds will be given for missing a class unless Karen cancels due to weather or illness.







Kids Saturday Workshop

March 8--Fish Tank



For anyone who was not able to attend over break, the fish tank class is back! Sew a stuffed fish, then decorate your own aquarium with as many feltplants and other underwater animals as you like. All materials, including snack, are provided. Open to those age 7+ who have already had an intro lesson with Karen.